Page 86 - Built For God Handbook (Annotated and Explained Edition) - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching - The New Evangelization - Pope John Paul II
P. 86


                                  Chapter 10
                                The Spirit of God

            To be filled by the Spirit of God and embrace Oneness
            Can you be still without temptation?

            To quiet your soul and attain suppleness
            Can you be weaned like a child?

            To be free of worldly views
            Can you take the plank out of your own eye?

            To love all people and rule the country
            Can you be without cleverness?

            To enter the opening and closing gate of Heaven
            Can you live according to the Word of God?

            To understand the Word as taught by the Spirit    f
            Can you hold back your own words?
            He created us
            He nurtures us

            He gives life without possessing
            He achieves without taking credit   i

            He leads without dominating   j
            This is the mystic virtue of the Spirit  k
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