Page 239 - Built For God Handbook (Annotated and Explained Edition) - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching - The New Evangelization - Pope John Paul II
P. 239
president of the #1 Vietnamese newspaper (Người Việt) in
America, who published my article on their front cover. I was deeply
touched and surprised by their article supporting the vision God
instilled in my heart. I appreciate the love and support that both Fr.
Vang and the newspaper have shown me.
Dr. Michael Downey: Special thanks to Dr. Downey who served as
professor of theology and spirituality at universities and seminaries
in North America and abroad. He is the recipient of three honorary
doctorates, was awarded the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice by
Pope John Paul II. After reviewing my initial manuscript, I had the
opportunity to meet with him at his local coffee shop to discuss my
work. His positive feedback and encouragement to share my book
with a global audience, particularly in China, gave me a renewed
sense of purpose and confidence. This interaction strengthened my
faith and ignited a passion within me to pursue God's plan for my
writing to complete the BFG handbook. Recognizing the
significance of this handbook, he dedicated his time to editing it.
Caterina Krai: I thank Caterina for blessing us with her unwavering
conviction to serve God, using her gifted leadership skills and God-
given talents to drive the BFG movement forward. She stood out to
me as one of the most outstanding spiritual leaders.
Derek Lin: Thanks to Derek, Taoist master and author of the
award-winning Tao Te Ching: Annotated & Explained, who offered
his friendship and wisdom. His kindness and support for my early
edition of this book amazed me. It is a miracle how God connected