Page 235 - Built For God Handbook (Annotated and Explained Edition) - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching - The New Evangelization - Pope John Paul II
P. 235
me for the New Evangelization. It is this overwhelming Love of God
that I saw in him that made my reality bigger than what I
envisioned. This is the miracle of God at work, deepening my
understanding for God and his grand design for humankind. I am
truly humbled and endlessly grateful for his genuine love and care
as my Spiritual Father. Thank you for promising me you will never
leave me.
Archbishop Sylvain Lavoie: I would like to express my sincerest
gratitude for the wonderful opportunity to co-author a book with
Archbishop Lavoie, and for his invaluable role in making this
possible. His guidance and support have been instrumental in
helping me overcome the challenges and setbacks I encountered
along the way. I am grateful for the Archbishop's trust in me and our
shared mission to make a positive impact, and change the world.
My commitment to upholding a sense of dedication and
trustworthiness in delivering the message of Built for God to the
world remains unwavering. His humility, joy, love, and exceptional
patience exemplify a true example of God’s love. His spirit serves
as a reminder that with God, all things are possible. Working
alongside him in building the Kingdom of God is a genuine honor,
and I feel blessed for this opportunity.
Fr. Michael Barry: I immensely appreciate Fr. Barry's support and
guidance in furthering God's vision in my heart to restore the truth.
Fr. Barry has been a constant source of encouragement, standing
by my side every step of the way. His strong faith in God is an
admirable model for me to emulate. Fr. Barry's commitment to