Page 21 - Built For God Handbook (Annotated and Explained Edition) - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching - The New Evangelization - Pope John Paul II
P. 21
or captured important information through snapshots, solely
pertaining to the books’ key points during his academic years. Keith
viewed the Bible as a daunting reference book that would require
extensive reading and interpretation. This led him to seek wealth
creation to provide support for charitable causes, thereby fulfilling
his obligation to serving God. Despite his success in e-commerce,
he saw an opportunity in real estate to earn additional income. His
wife believed his vocation was to restore the truth rather than
contributing financially to charitable causes as a substitute for
God's calling. However, Keith was convinced he could make a
more meaningful impact financially than write a book he lacked
confidence to do.
2007: Call to Mary's Rose Garden and Miracle Candles
In 2007, Keith was called by Mother Mary to visit her rose
garden in St. Vincent De Paul Church after spending nearly two
years disobeying God’s will for him to write the Christian version of
the Tao Te Ching. Tracy, his wife, strongly advised against going to
downtown Los Angeles after midnight due to the potential danger.
Nevertheless, he decided to go anyway, assuring her that he would
return home safely.
At this point of his life, Keith had lost eight homes in the
real estate crisis and prayed for a second chance to fulfill his
purpose. Despite feeling unqualified, he heeded the call to speak
with Richard, a homeless man sleeping next to Mary's Rose
Garden at the church. Keith asked him his reason for sleeping next
to the garden, and he replied in a polite tone, "I don't sleep on the
church property, but for the past two or three hours, Mary continued