Page 123 - Built For God Handbook (Annotated and Explained Edition) - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching - The New Evangelization - Pope John Paul II
P. 123
Being created in the image of God, who can hold male and female energy
together, God creates within us an incompleteness, a yearning for
consummation, completion, and wholeness that is a divine fire or Eros
burning within every human heart. The challenge is to understand ourselves
as thus created and use this energy according to the will of our Creator.
This entails being in touch with and respecting our male and female
aspects, our animus and anima, present deep within us. Jesus of Nazareth,
the Son of the Master, is our perfect example, holding together animus and
Water is a powerful symbol for the presence of the Spirit within us, always
seeking the lowest place and always in the process of transformation from
water to vapor to rain, always serving the needs of humanity and all created
beings. Our willing participation in this divine flow leads us to a childlike
dependence on our loving Creator.
Knowing the source of light within, yet holding to the dark, takes us into the
realm of the mystic, who knows that the light of God, which we cannot see,
and would cause blindness if seen too directly, can be accessed in the
darkness of silence, solitude, contemplation, suffering and self-awareness.
The spiritual person can then become an example, mentor, and inspiration
for others, like the saints and wise people of old. Single-minded in their
pursuit of human wholeness, they serve as useful instruments in the hands
of the Divine Master to make the world a better place.
a Genesis 1:27; Numbers 5:5-7; John 7:37-39; John 4:10;
c 2 Corinthians 4:4-6; Titus 2:1-15; Luke 14:7-11; Ecclesiastes 12:11-12;
Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelation 22:18; Deuteronomy 5:1.