Page 174 - Built For God Handbook (Bible Verses) - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching - The New Evangelization - Pope John Paul II
P. 174


                                  Chapter 54
                               Sowing Your Seed

            Whoever sows the Word in good soil
            Will not be uprooted
            Whoever faithfully embraces the Word
            Will not slip away
            Our descendants will honor the ancestral sacrifice for eternity

            Sow the Word in yourself
            And it will be a genuine part of you
            Sow the Word in your family
            And it will be abundant
            Sow the Word in your community
            And it will be everlasting
            Sow the Word in your country
            And it will be prosperous
            Sow the Word in the world
            And it will be widespread

            Therefore, recognize others as yourself
            Recognize families as your family
            Recognize communities as your community
            Recognize countries as your country
            Recognize the world as the world

            How do I know the world for what it is?
            By what I sow in me
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