BFG Handbook: Tool For the New Evangelization
The BFG Handbook is a tool to restore the truth of our Faith for the New Evangelization. It tells the story of God’s Love in a universal language that resonates with people, expanding into different cultures, histories, and creeds of other faiths. It is not a different gospel, but a presentation of the gospel that is new through its ardor, through its methods, and through its expression.
Watch Videos on the New Evangelization
“I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church’s energies to a new evangelization… No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples.” ~ Pope John Paul II
Cardinal Wuerl talks about the pressing task of our time: the New Evangelization. But what exactly is the New Evangelization? What is the message of the New Evangelization? Where and who is the intended audience? What do we seek to accomplish? What is needed for this work of the New Evangelization?
What is the New Evangelization? | The New Evangelization Today -
Keith Hoang, author of the BFG Handbook and founder of the BFG movement, emphasizes that love is the central force driving the New Evangelization. Love serves as the foundation for the entire mission, providing us with answers to life's deepest questions. Love is what unites people, opening their hearts to the Gospel. It transcends mere words and doctrines, meeting people where they are with compassion and understanding, fostering genuine connections and transformative experiences.
Love is the Central Driving Force for the New Evangelization -
We are called to become saints, guided by the Holy Spirit and the protection of Mary, Our Blessed Mother, to transform the hearts of all peoples. Together, we will deliver the truth that will set us free.
Song Title: "We May Be One" according to John 17:21
"that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
The New Evangelization - Bishop Kevin Vann Adopts Keith as Spiritual Son -
St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology presents: Dr. Scott Hahn discusses the need for a New Evangelization.
What is the New Evangelization? -
Dr. Sean Innerst, Dean of the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, joins Dr. Tim Gray on the Augustine Institute Show. Dr. Innerst and Dr. Gray will discuss Saint John Paul II's papacy and the New Evangelization in the Church.
Dr. Sean Innerst on John Paul II and the New Evangelization -
John Paul II wrote the Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici to the lay faithful of the world in 1988. The message within Christifideles Laici still ring true today and offer an important reminder that every lay person within the Church is valuable and called to serve.
A Message from St. Pope John Paul the Second to the Laity -
Friends, as we continue now our reading of the Gospel of Luke, we have today a great portrait of the Church—what the Church looks like, what its central concerns are, and what the demands upon it are. The setting is Jesus sending out seventy-two disciples. Put yourself in that position: all of us baptized people are disciples of the Lord, and we're in a relationship with him. He is sending us out on mission.
How Will You Evangelize Today? - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon -
The BFG Handbook is a necessary tool for a New Evangelization, making it even more pertinent by recent global events. It is not a different gospel, but a presentation of the gospel that is new through its ardor, through its methods, and through its expression.
BFG Handbook - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching for the New Evangelization -
Nguoi Viet TV invite you to watch our talk show Keith Hoang, author of the handbook “Built for Greatness”, a life strategy book intertwining spiritual themes from the Bible and the Tao Te Ching of the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, combining East and West philosophies to suggest 81 ways to leverage our inner power to fulfill one’s life purpose.
Vietnamese-born businessman and the movement to spread “truth” to humanity – Built for Greatness movement -
It was over 40 years ago, when John Paul II launched the New Evangelization. It deals with reaching out to Western countries that are traditionally Christian, but don't really practice the religion, perhaps see it as something irrelevant.
Priorities for New Pope: The New Evangelization
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ~ Matthew 28:19
We are called to be One with God, to be Saints, to rebuild the Church as a communion of Love. Unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit to rediscover the universal call to holiness. Become Saints for the Truth. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32
Discover the Truth: 81 Ways to Unleash Your Inner Power that will guide your path to Greatness. Together we journey in Faith to restore the Truth.
“And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” – John 10:16
Love is the "HEART" of the New Evangelization (Matthew 22:37-39)
Love is the heart or driving force of the New Evangelization, the essence that draws people together, opens hearts to the Gospel, and reveals the beauty of God’s unchanging truth. This love is not confined by words or doctrines; rather, it reaches into the depths of human experience, meeting each person with compassion, patience, and understanding. It calls us to a higher mission that transcends mere conversion—to authentically share the Good News in ways that speak directly to the soul, breaking down barriers and bridging cultural divides.
This love is a reflection of God’s own heart, urging us to embody Christ’s presence in the world and live in unity with one another. As we allow love to lead, we become true witnesses of the Gospel—not only in what we say but in how we live, illuminating the message of Christ through our actions. Love inspires us to be courageous, selfless, and genuine, inviting others to see that faith is alive and that God’s love is real, timeless, and available to all.
Through love, the New Evangelization becomes more than just a call to discipleship; it becomes a way of life. It inspires a lasting transformation, encouraging others to step onto the path toward holiness and to experience God’s grace firsthand. In this way, love fuels a movement that can renew the world, inviting each person to embrace the journey toward holiness.